Friday, September 09, 2005

Who Are the Real Criminals?

Yesterday my husband told me of yet another comment he heard at his workplace that all the looters should be shot, regardless of whether they were stealing TV sets or taking food and water for survival. My husband spoke out vehemently against this hateful rhetoric and has vowed that he will not sit by silently while people spew forth venom such as this. Something I talk about in the class I teach, "Multiculturalism and Anti-Bias in Education" at Green River Community College, is that if we are not part of the solution then we are part of the problem. If we do not speak up when people make racist or otherwise bigoted or prejudicial remarks, or engage in racist or bigoted behavior, then they perceive us to be in tacit agreement with them. And nothing changes.

But that isn't what I want to talk about today. It has just been revealed that Michael Brown, the blithering idiot that heads up FEMA, padded his resume. According to the latest Time Magazine investigative report, Brown had no management training. In addition, other top FEMA officials had no background other than public relations. All of their political appointments were based on personal friendships.

Brown's White House biography stated that he was the Assistant City Manager of Edmond, Oklahoma from 1975 to 1978 with oversight of the Emergency Services Division. However, when Time Magazine interviewed officials of Edmond, they discovered that Brown was actually Assistant to the City Manager, an administrative position that is on par with an intern.

So we have someone completely incompetent as our HURRICANE CZAR?????? And others equally as incompetent in top positions at FEMA????? What is the larger crime here? Stealing TVs and food and water? Or lying on your resume to get a job where millions of lives are at stake, and who knows how many lives were lost because of your lack of experience and utter incompetence? And the cronyism that exists at the highest levels of government that allowed that lack of experience to be overlooked in favor of personal friendships?
