Monday, May 12, 2008

A Unified Democratic Party

As the Democratic Primaries wind down, I am more and more certain that our party will become unified. Senator Clinton has backed off from the negative attacks that have been so divisive for the party. More attention is now being paid to McCain, and his flaws are showing. Our economy is a mess, and gas prices are ridiculous, which portends well for Democrats, since no one wants an extension of Bush's failed economic policy.

Barack Obama has had a consistent message throughout his entire campaign, and was shown to be more honest and trustworthy than Hillary Clinton. This was really illustrated in the holiday gas tax proposal, which both Clinton and McCain pushed. Obama called them out on it, saying it was a gimmick, which it was. And people listened. This showed that people viewed Clinton as a flawed messenger, and were willing to listen to Obama and get beyond the politics of yesterday, where candidates would say anything just to get votes.

I believe that people will come around. The economy is what is affecting most voters in our country today, and John McCain admitted that he didn't know as much about the economy as he should. It was shocking that he would admit something like that, given the fact he's been in the Senate for decades. It's certainly a huge advantage that Obama has over McCain. I believe our economic issues hugely overshadow our national security issues, and even in that arena, most Americans want to get out of Iraq, so McCain isn't exactly on the popular side of that issue either.

Go Obama '08!!!!!!!

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