Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I'll Take Ron Walker

In the upcoming November election, there are two candidates for the Federal Way School Board vying for the District 5 spot--Dave Larson and Ron Walker. Last Thursday, I met Dave Larson for the first time at the Multicultural Night I coordinated at my children's elementary school. He seemed like an affable fellow, and I appreciated the fact that he took the time to attend our event.

However, when it comes to the School Board, I'm going to cast my vote for Ron Walker. Apparently Dave Larson was one of three School Board members who voted for a ludicrous policy last year--that any showing of "An Inconvenient Truth" in a Federal Way high school had to be balanced by an opposite viewpoint. Their actions made the Federal Way School District the laughing stock of the country. According to Larson, he felt "a political partisan was presenting a contested political/scientific issue to impressionable youth."

You have got to be kidding me. These conservatives politicize this issue because it is Al Gore presenting it, and completely dismiss the myriads of scientists who back up what Gore says. And they even lend credence to the parent who was the catalyst for this ridiculous policy--Frosty Hardison, who claims that the earth is 14,000 years old and that the Bible says that in the end times everything will burn up, but that this viewpoint is not presented in "An Incovenient Truth." It was upon receipt of Hardison's email that Larson imposed a moratorium on Gore's film.

Why do I want Ron Walker on the School Board? He has been very active in the Federal Way Community for many years, both in the School District, in the city, and on the Diversity Commission. The School District is made up of 43% students of color, and it is important that the School Board is reflective of the population of the school district, so that the interests of the students are truly understood.

Dave Larson does not represent the majority of the Federal Way community. He represents his own political interests (even though the School Board is supposed to be non-partisan). He even admitted that he was naive about how the "Inconvenient Truth" fiasco would play out in the national media.

Let's get some new blood on the Federal Way School Board!

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